Io ti vedo, tu mi senti?



Ti vedo!

How is the art world reacting to quarantine? Starting from April 7th, together with Sky Arte and Nicolas Ballario we’ll try to answer this question in a show that has been entirely created from home.

Nicolas Ballario is the main character of this multichannel show on the effects the Coronavirus is having on the world of art. His computer screen has been his only interlocutor for weeks – so much so it has taken on a life of its own. Nicolas, eager and compulsive, surfs the net searching for new initiatives worth to tell. He calls artists, museum directors, and curators to know more about their projects. Every call begins with the same fateful question: “I can see you; can you hear me?”.

Two new episodes will be broadcasted every week on all Sky Arte’s platforms (satellite, streaming, Facebook, and Instagram), through which we’ll discover how many artists, stuck at home or in their studios, have turned isolation into creativity, shaping new works and performances then published on their own social accounts. We’ll see how the universe of art – from specialized galleries to the world’s most prestigious museums – decided to help hospitals and organizations which are striving to fight the virus, doing so both through donations and fundraisers, and through what art has always done: making us feel less alone.

MoMA, Palazzo Strozzi, Oliviero Toscani, Valerio Berruti, Studio Azzurro, Lo Schermo dell’Arte, Perimetro, Francesco Jodice, Rebor… those are just some of the actors in Io ti vedo, tu mi senti? The very first format by TIWI and Sky Arte entirely designed, recorded and animated from home. An extemporaneous, unprepared, unsteady show… just like Nicolas’ connection, always about to be lost.